#!/bin/bash #### SCRIP USAGE FUNCTION #### # Usage function. usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -m, --message The Discord webhook message JSON to be checked." echo " -d, --debug Turns on console output" echo " -h, --help Show this help message and exit." echo "" echo "This script will check a Discord webhook message JSON string against content" echo "limits set by Discord. The message data must be within the limits in order" echo "to be successfully sent. The script will return an exit number based on the" echo "results of the check." echo "" echo " 0) The message data is within the limimts." echo " 1) The message data is outside limits, but can be sent in multiple messages." echo " 2) The message data is outside limits and cannot be sent." echo "" echo "Refer to Discord Webook documentation for more details on the webhook limits:" echo "" echo " https://birdie0.github.io/discord-webhooks-guide/other/field_limits.html" echo "" } #### PARSE ARGUMENTS #### # Parsed from command line arguments. while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -m|--message) jsonMessage="$2" shift 2 ;; -d|--debug) debug=true shift ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "Invalid option: $1" >&2 usage exit 2 ;; esac done # Check if JSON is provided and not empty if [ -z "${jsonMessage}" ]; then echo "Error: The --message option is mandatory." >&2 usage exit 2 fi #### INITIALIZATION & PARAMETERS #### # Character lenght limits & object count limits (the order is important!) limits=( 'Username .username 80 char 1' 'Content .content 2000 char 1' 'Embeds .embeds 10 obj 0' 'Author .embeds[].author.name 256 char 1' 'Title .embeds[].title 256 char 1' 'Description .embeds[].description 1024 char 1' 'Fields .embeds[].fields 25 obj 1' 'Name .embeds[].fields[].name 256 char 1' 'Value .embeds[].fields[].value 1024 char 1' 'Footer .embeds[].footer.text 2048 char 1' 'Totals na 6000 char 1' 'Total na 6000 char 0' ) # Set limit parameter names limitParameters="name section value type critical count" # Initialize result variables criticalResult=false outsideLimits=false results="" totalCharactersAllEmbeds=0 #### LIMIT CHECK & RESULTS FUNCTION #### # Get count, check against limit and update results function updateResults() { local indexedSection="$1" # Get the object/character count if section is an object [ "${indexedSection}" != "na" ] && count=$(jq "$indexedSection | length" <<< "${jsonMessage}") # Output info if debug enabled [ ${debug} ] && echo "${name}: ${count} / ${value}" >&2 # Compare count with limit value if [[ ${count} -gt ${value} ]]; then # Set 'outside limit' flag outsideLimits=true # Check if limit is a critical one if [ "${critical}" == "1" ]; then # Set 'critical limit' flag criticalResult=true fi # Append to result if outside limit results+="${name} ${indexedSection} ${value} ${type} ${critical} ${count}\n" fi } #### CHECK CONTENT #### # Check content agains each limit for limit in "${limits[@]}"; do # Read parameters from limit IFS=' ' read -r $limitParameters <<< "$limit" # Check if limit relates to the embeds section if [[ "${section}" == *"embeds[]"* ]]; then # Check each embed section individually for applicable limits for (( i=0; i<$(jq ".embeds | length" <<< "${jsonMessage}"); i++ )); do # Inject array index in embeds element for correct parsing embedSection="${section/embeds[]/embeds[${i}]}" # Check if section is a field section as this is an array if [[ "${section}" == *"fields[]"* ]]; then # Check each field section individually for applicable limits for (( j=0; j<$(jq ".embeds[$i].fields | length" <<< "${jsonMessage}"); j++ )); do # Inject array index in fields element for correct parsing fieldSection="${embedSection/fields[]/fields[${j}]}" # Check limits and update results updateResults "${fieldSection}" # Add to total characters if character type [ "${type}" == "char" ] && ((embedTotals[$i]+=count)) done else # Check limits and update results updateResults "${embedSection}" # Add to total characters if character type [ "${type}" == "char" ] && ((embedTotals[$i]+=count)) fi done elif [[ "${name}" == "Totals" ]]; then # Read the total character count for each embed section for count in "${embedTotals[@]}"; do # Check agains limit and update result updateResults "${section}" ${count} # Add to the overall total character count ((totalCharactersAllEmbeds+=count)) done elif [[ "${name}" == "Total" ]]; then # Get the total character count for all embeds count=${totalCharactersAllEmbeds} # Check agains limit and update result updateResults "${section}" ${count} else # Check agains limit and update result updateResults "${section}" fi done #### RETURN RESULTS #### # Output results [ ${debug} ] && [ -n "${results}" ] && echo -e "${results%??}" >&2 # Exit with appropriate status if ${criticalResult}; then exit 2 elif ${outsideLimits}; then exit 1 else exit 0 fi